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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 16:13

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3/8/1361 : Séisme de Shohei Nankai (正平地震: Shohei Jishin)[1] 


Le séisme atteint une magnitude de 8,2-8,5 et provoque un tsunami.

21/9/1510 : Séisme de Settsu Kawachi (摂津・河内地震)

Magnitude de 6,5-7; destruction de temples et de maisons ; nombreuses secousses secondaires.

25/2/1579 : Séisme de Settsu

Magnitude de 6,0

[1] http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%AD%A3%E5%B9%B3%E5%9C%B0%E9%9C%87


Suite: (3)

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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 15:22

Toru Hashimoto rencontre parfois des opposants très vocaux, qui ne comprennent pas qu’il fasse passer son désir de devenir un homme politique au niveau national avant leur santé et leurs préoccupations.


Je recopie la traduction anglaise d’un article du Mainichi depuis le blog EXSKF :



On peut lire la traduction en français de cette traduction anglaise sur le Bistro Bar Blog.


From Mainichi Shinbun (8/31/2012):


Osaka City held a townhall meeting for the city's residents on August 30 at the central city hall (in Kita-ku, Osaka) to explain about the acceptance of disaster debris from the March 11, 2011 disaster. In the contentious meeting with angry residents opposing the plan shouting, Mayor Toru Hashimoto emphasized the safety and asked for understanding.


The city held three meetings in June and July only for residents in Konohana-ku, where the disaster debris will be [burned and] buried. But the August 30 meeting was the first for all residents in the city. About 420 residents attended the meeting.

市の担当者らが「日常で浴びる放射線量より低い」と強調したが、会場の内外で反対派の市民らが「放射能はいらない」「橋下やめろ」などと叫び、緊迫した雰 囲気に包まれた。橋下市長はいらだちを隠せない様子で「皆さんの意見で市の方針を決めるのではない」「あなたたちの何倍もの市民が賛成している」などと述 べた。数人の男性が壇上に詰め寄り、警察官らに制止される場面もあった。

In the meeting, city officials emphasized that the radiation exposure [from burning disaster debris] would be lower than that of background radiation exposure, but people opposing the acceptance of the debris inside and outside the hall shouted "We don't want radiation", "Hashimoto, resign", in a tense exchange. Mayor Hashimoto, unable to hide his irritation, said, "The city policy is not decided by your opinions", "Citizens several times more than you here are in favor". At one point, several men rushed toward the mayor on the podium, and were stopped by the policemen.


A housewife (age 59) from Chuo-ku in Osaka City said excitedly, "They didn't explain to my satisfaction. It's a foregone conclusion, and I don't know why they bothered to hold a meeting."


The city plans to conduct the test burn in November, and start accepting the debris from Iwate Prefecture in February next year. In the current fiscal year [that ends in March 31, 2013], about 6,100 tonnes will be disposed [burned and buried], and 30,000 tonnes will be disposed in the fiscal 2013.


I hear from Osaka City residents that umbrellas and bottled water were banned from the meeting.

Mayor Hashimoto scurried off from the stage after the incident, according to the media reports. Osaka residents on Twitter say they are not surprised at the mayor's behavior.

The prefectural government in Iwate freely admits that they can totally take care of the debris within Iwate, but since Osaka City insists, they cannot say no. I don't quite understand why not.

Konohana-ku has a landfill that features a huge incineration plant designed by a famous Austrian anti-nuclear architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. If he were alive, I wonder what he would think; whether he'd be happy with the prospect of disaster debris that has been contaminated with radioactive materials out of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant being burned at the plant he designed.

I still remember the angry residents of Kyoto City in front of the JR Kyoto Station, shouting down Goshi Hosono, "Go back! Go Back to where you belong!", when Mr. Hosono and his entourage tried to convince what a wonderful thing it would be to help Tohoku people if only Kyoto residents allowed the burning of the debris in their midst.

I hope Osaka people will outdo the Kyoto residents.

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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 09:01

Suite à ma visite de l’exposition “Tremblements de terre et tsunamis à Osaka", je présente ici une liste chronologique des séismes qui ont frappé la région, en me basant sur le prospectus de l’exposition que je complète avec des informations et illustrations trouvées sur internet. Si vous avez des suggestions de lecture ou souhaitez ajouter des informations, n’hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire.

26/8/887 : Séisme de Ninna (仁和地)[1] 

Le séisme a atteint une magnitude de 8-8,5, et provoqué un tsunami qui a entrainé de nombreux dégats et décès.

22/2/1099 : Séisme de Kowa Nankai (康和地震; kowa jishin)[2] 
Le séisme atteint une magnitude de 8-8,3 et a notamment causé des dégats au sanctuaire de Shitennoji. On aurait trouvé à Higashiosaka des traces de liquéfaction du sol que l’on pourrait attribuer à cet événement.
Autre trace archéologique:




Déplacement horizontal provoqué par le tremblement de terre Kowa Nankai (datation de la couche archéologique par la céramique qui s’y trouvait) – Nagahara (Hirano-Ku) (Osaka Cultural Heritage Research Collection)


Source de l’image : http://www.osakacity.org/en/chicagoOffice/news.aspx?newsid=844




  (2), par ici, svp.


[1] http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%81%E5%92%8C%E5%9C%B0%E9%9C%87

[2] http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BA%B7%E5%92%8C%E5%9C%B0%E9%9C%87

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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 05:31



Merci http://thegildedcentury.tumblr.com/

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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 02:29



La tour Abeno Harukas est devenue le plus gaut gratte-ciel du Japon jeudi. Elle devrait être ouverte au public au printemps 2014.



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24 août 2012 5 24 /08 /août /2012 18:19

Osaka mayor Hashimoto calls classic Japanese play 'unsatisfactory'

OSAKA -- Osaka  Mayor Toru Hashimoto, who recently declared he would freeze subsidies to an association for Bunraku, a centuries-old form of puppet theater, expressed his dissatisfaction with a Bunraku show he saw on July 26, describing the performance as "unsatisfactory."

"I understood that this is an art that should be preserved as a classic (art form), but the last scene was plain, and lacked something," Hashimoto told reporters after watching "Sonezaki Shinju" (The love suicides at Sonezaki), a classic play based on the work of renowned 17th-18th century dramatist Chikamatsu Monzaemon, at the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka's Chuo Ward on the evening of July 26.

"The staging was unsatisfactory," the mayor added in his comment on the play, which has not been changed since it was reintroduced to the public in 1955. "Does it really have to follow the old script that precisely?"

This is the second time Hashimoto has expressed his dissatisfaction with Bunraku, the first being during his term as Osaka Governor in 2009, when he publicly said he would "never again go to see" a performance.

"For people to truly appreciate a traditional art, they should be able to enjoy it. In a world with taboos, it's difficult for people to express their honest opinions," he said. Hashimoto then suggested that to attract more fans to the art form, its scripts and performances, among other things, should be modernized.

The Osaka Municipal Government recently decided to cut subsidies to the Bunraku  Kyokai, an association that promotes Bunraku, to 39 million yen this fiscal year, about 25 percent less than what the city allocated to the association in fiscal 2011.

Hashimoto further said that unless performers agree to having public interviews, the Osaka Municipal Government would not provide further subsidies. The association continues to insist that the interviews should be held privately.

On July 26, after watching the play, Hashimoto visited the performers backstage and held brief talks with them privately, and reportedly again demanded that interviews should be held publicly.

"I believe that the fact that we met under these circumstances is a step forward," said Tozo Tsuruzawa, one of the artists Hashimoto met with. "There are many who are fond of the current way Sonezaki Shinju is performed, and I don't think it is a matter of which is better anyway. Mr. Hashimoto says that if we create something interesting, people will come to watch, but I wonder if that's the right approach to take."

July 27, 2012(Mainichi Japan)


毎日新聞 20120726日 2217分(最終更新 0727日 1320分)


 橋下市長 大阪府知事だった09年に初めて鑑賞した際、「二度と見にいかない」と酷評。この日は「国民に伝統芸能と感じてもらうためには楽しんでもらわないといけな い。タブーのある世界は率直な意見が出にくい」と指摘し、ファン開拓のため脚本や演出を現代風にアレンジするなどの工夫を求めた。




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24 août 2012 5 24 /08 /août /2012 03:21

Le révisionisme japonais à l’oeuvre; Toru Hashimoto a besoin de voix et de supports pour que son parti prenne une envergure nationale, et il a décidé de racoler à droite, auprès de gens comme Shinzo Abe (Premier Ministre de la diarrhée, mais très efficace héraut du conservatisme qui a réussi en quelques mois de gouvernement à durablement orienter l’éducation officielle japonaise vers la droite) et Shintaro Ishihara, le gouverneur-maire raciste de Tokyo, la honte du Japon.

            En ce qui concerne Hashimoto, à part son dégoût du syndicalisme, je ne sais pas si ce virage à droite et son appréciation de l’histoire sont sincères ou non, ni même si cela a vraiment de l’importance à ses yeux. Il n’est pas connu pour son intérêt pour la culture ou la littérature (il a fortement réduit les subsides pour le théâtre de marionnettes bunraku) et son attitude récente vis-à-vis de l’industrie nucléaire montre que son opportunisme a plus d’importance que ses principes.



  • August 22, 2012, 8:17 PM JST
Osaka Mayor Pitches Gallery of Controversial History
ByYoree Koh


Outspoken Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, known for his unorthodox style and views, wants to build a facility where Japan’s history — in all its varying versions — can be put on display. A historical gallery of Japan’s diplomatic headaches, if you will.



The popular politician envisions the facility to focus on Japan’s post-war history. Thus, if the mayor gets his way, the country’s various territorial spats and controversial accounts of wartime atrocities like the so-called “comfort women” — historical cold sores that have strained regional relations in recent weeks — can be expected to be among the banner exhibits. The mayor himself stoked Japan’s diplomatic flames with South Korea on Tuesday with controversial comments asking the neighboring country to provide proof to back up its claims that Japan’s military enslaved Korean women during its colonial rule at the beginning of the 20th century.

Mr. Hashimoto thinks Japan’s younger generations’ understanding of modern Japanese history is shallow. History lessons have been insufficient in laying out the country’s wartime positions and the regional consequences that followed.

“There are history textbooks that cover the post-war period, but there aren’t really classes that make (the students) feel like they’ve learned the subject. As the mayor has said it’s come to a point where the subject is barely studied for university entrance exams,” said an Osaka city hall official who oversees municipal policy.

History is a contentious matter in East Asia. So many versions, so little consensus, so much heat. Even as Japan has become closer with both China and South Korea on economic and cultural fronts, unresolved tensions stemming from Japan’s handling of the countries’ historic and territorial grievances remain recurring flashpoints. The last two weeks alone have been a diplomatic tap dance for Japan, trading protests with its neighbors after groups from each country made controversial landings on the pair of contested island clusters.

The competing claims are rooted in different historical interpretations: who planted the flag first or how its territorial status changed after World War II. The Osaka mayor’s proposed gallery would likely include the stories behind each country’s claims side-by-side, according to the city official. It will offer a multi-faceted explainer of sorts when it comes to issues some might consider factually grey.

The same would go for other hot button issues like Korean “comfort women,” who said they had been held as sexual slaves by the Japanese military in the 1930s and 1940s. The subject is fraught with conflicting accounts from the number of women enslaved to whether it happened at all. Mr. Hashimoto pushed the latter line on Tuesday. Echoing similar comments by Japanese politicians in the past, Mr. Hashimoto challenged the South Korean government to offer proof that the women were forcibly taken by the Japanese military through “violence or intimidation.” South Korea and China have criticized Japan for printing watered down versions of its wartime aggression in its textbooks and for statements by politicians and nationalists denying the events took place.

But breaking ground is still several years and billions of yen away. A project team, established on Aug. 1, is still in the preliminary stages. Having just started examining what exhibits are possible the end result could look very different from Mr. Hashimoto’s vision.

Mr. Hashimoto, who first raised the idea in late May, aims to have a firm plan in place within the next two years, but comparable projects usually take closer to a decade or two. Then there is the issue of cost and space. The mayor has proposed using a little over three acres of public land and earmark part of next year’s budget for the project. But city officials have questioned whether building such a facility, expected to cost tens of billions of yen, is the wisest use of public funds in the face of more pressing needs.


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19 août 2012 7 19 /08 /août /2012 17:00




Source: http://openwaterpedia.com/index.php?title=Pool_Dotonbori


Pour le 400e anniversaire du Canal Dotonbori

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19 août 2012 7 19 /08 /août /2012 14:51


Source: http://sheisintimacy.tumblr.com/

Osaka photographed from the International Space Station by Akihiko Hoshide

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19 août 2012 7 19 /08 /août /2012 03:43
Bureaucrats attend Hashimoto school despite local ban

OSAKA — About 20 central and local government officials have attended the political school established by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto.

So far, about 880 participants have attended events at Ishin Seiji Juku (Political Restoration School), including officials from the Finance Ministry, the land ministry and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, sources said.

Municipal officials from outside Osaka also have attended the school's lectures and discussion sessions with academics and other guests, they added.

Critics are accusing Hashimoto of having a double standard for curbing the political activities of Osaka employees while allowing other public servants to take part in Ishin Seiji Juku.

In July, Osaka's municipal assembly passed an ordinance submitted by Hashimoto that in principle allows the mayor to take disciplinary action against municipal workers if they engage in any political activities.

Hashimoto's Osaka Ishin no Kai (One Osaka) party launched the political school to groom future leaders able to reform traditional bureaucratic structures. Some of those trained at the facility are scheduled to take to the streets and deliver stump speeches in mid-September.

The Japan Times: Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012
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