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12 février 2015 4 12 /02 /février /2015 10:11

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Dear colleagues,

The speaker for the February meeting of the Kyoto Asian Studies Group is Scott Johnson, who will present on the artist Tsukioka Settei (1710–1786) and his erotic parodies of models of proper education and deportment for women. One such book is “Onna Dairaku takara-beki” (see abstract below).

The lecture will be held on Monday, February 23rd from 6:30-8:30 in Room 212 of the Fusokan on the Doshisha University Campus (see link below for access information).

***Please note the time change from 6:00 to 6:30.


Tsukioka Settei (1710–1786) was a much-honored Osaka artist, trained in the Kano tradition, but known for his versatility. He was also noted in his own lifetime for his painted and printed erotic works. Among his erotic books, he created a publishing trend in the Kamigata area for parodying books offering models of proper education and deportment for women. The first, and most important, in this genre, was “Onna Dairaku takara-beki,” a pointed visual and textual parody of “Onna Daigaku takara-bako” and its Confucian stress on women’s subservience. Settei’s book was published around 1755, reviving shunga publication since the official banning of such publications in 1722. It was not suppressed, the reasons for which will be explored in this presentation. I will also examine the role of lending libraries, the readership of shunga parodies, the tricks of publishers of shunga parodies, the importance of Osaka as the home of shunga parody publishing, and most importantly, the book’s alternative (anti-Confucian?) stress on the place of women: play at home to save the nation. Settei’s art, including shunga parodies, was the main subject of the January 2015 issue of Geijutsu Shincho, as well as an important aspect of the ground-breaking British Museum show entitled “Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art” (2013-14). I will draw heavily upon the careful study and partial translations of “Onna Dairaku” by Andrew Gerstle (SOAS), and will show images from the two books. There will be time to physically compare examples of both books.

Scott Johnson is scholar residing in Kyoto

Sponsored by the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies. For access information see:


Please refrain from bringing food or drinks into the meeting room.

Contact: Hillary Pedersen, hillyped@yahoo.com

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17 octobre 2014 5 17 /10 /octobre /2014 09:33

Merci https://networks.h-net.org/node/20904/discussions/48968/kyoto-lecture-series-deterioration-ethnic-solidarity-korean

Kyoto Lecture Series: "The Deterioration of Ethnic Solidarity in Korean Transnational Enclaves in Beijing and Osaka," Sharon J. Yoon

From H-Announce

Lecture Date:


Recently, scholars have noted that migrants exhibit distinct patterns

of adaptation characterized by frequent movement to their countries

of origin. This influx of transnational migration has, in turn,

altered the structure of historically established minority communities.

The research that will be presented investigates how changes in

the ethnic community have shaped the ways minorities construct

notions of ethnic identity, using ethnographic, interview and survey

data conducted in the Korean enclaves of Beijing and Osaka. These

enclaves reflect two distinct waves of migration: recent South Korean

transnational migrants, and third- and fourth-generation Korean

Japanese/Korean Chinese minorities. As a result of the growing

number of newcomers since the 1990s, the Koreatowns in Beijing and

Osaka have become increasingly connected—both on the institutional

and grassroots level—to the homeland. But rather than

strengthen sentiments of ethnic identity, this has led to formidable

barriers in constructing a collective consciousness within the Korean

community. Damaged co-ethnic relations between the two waves of

Korean migrants have significantly hindered their ability to mobilize

the rich transnational resources for upward mobility. The talk will

bring to light the structural barriers Korean migrants encounter in

cultivating solidarity in the transnational enclave. In doing so,

suggestions for social welfare policies that may aid migrants in more

effectively cooperating together to mobilize the resources offered by

the enclave will also be made.

Sharon J. Yoon is currently a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Postdoctoral Fellow at Osaka University. She completed her doctorate in

sociology at Princeton University in 2013 and spent one year as a Korea

Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania prior to

her arrival to Japan. Her research is funded by the National Science Foundation

Dissertation Improvement Grant, the Korea Foundation, and the

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and has been published by

the Korea Economic Institute and the International Journal of Sociology.

She is now working on two book manuscripts: Pursuing the Chinese Dream:

The Success and Failures of Korean Entrepreneurs, which is currently under

review, and When Nationalism Goes Virile: The Rise of Hate Speech in Osaka’s

Koreatown, in progress.

École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO)

29 Betto-cho Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8276 Japan

Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS)

4th Floor, 4 Yoshida Ushinomiya-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8302 Japan

EFEO | T: 075-701-0882 F: 075-701-0883 E: efeo.kyoto@gmail.com

ISEAS | T: 075-751-8132 F: 075-751-8221 E: iseas@iseas-kyoto.org

This lecture will be held at the Institute for Research in Humanities

(IRH), Kyoto University (seminar room 1, 1st floor).

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